Celebs sure have a fun way of cleaning their homes. Before this Yuna did a little Quick Change trick while vacuuming, now Elizabeth Tan also shares her own boredom-busting moves.
Her caption for her recent Instagram post roughly translates to “performing a concert while vacuuming, okay, whose house is next?”
The video accompanying that caption shows the singer-actress, barefoot with a vacuum in hand, dancing to her song “SHH”.
Despite the lack of the typical concert paraphernalia (hair and make-up professionally done, cool costume, back up dancers), fans were still highly entertained by the singer’s antics. One even hilariously commented, “If like this, I’d want the front yard vacuumed too”.
Like everyone else in Malaysia, Elizabeth – or more affectionately known as Lizzy – is currently on week 3 of staying at home due to the Movement Control Order (MCO) enforced by the local government in hopes of putting a stop to the COVID-19 outbreak in the country.
(Photo source: Elizabeth Tan’s Instagram)