With The Bee now upgraded and ready to host more music shows, the next artist to have performed there recently was Thai singer Phum Viphurit.
Fortunately, The Bee now boasts a standing capacity of 850 pax because a big space was definitely needed to house Phum’s fans who were excited to see the singer live in Malaysia once again.
The crowd, packed from the front of the stage way to the back of the venue, patiently waited for about an hour and a half before the singer took the stage. Prior to his performance, opening act Lost Spaces first entertained the crowd for about 30 minutes with their own songs.
Lost Spaces’ Sam Lopez an anecdote how he was such a fanboy when he met Phum at last year’s Good Vibes. He said that he couldn’t believe one year later, he was opening the show for the guy he took a selfie with back then.
After singing songs like “Fun Noise” and “Fake Guitars”, Lost Spaces bid goodnight to the fans and left the stage, for it to be set up for Phum and his band.
After waiting for a bit more, Phum finally appeared in a white Chicago Bulls T-shirt and red hat, a smile on his face as fans screamed loudly the moment he took the stage.
He opened with a 3-minute long guitar solo intro before moving on to his first song. Fans, who were dressed in casual wear much like the ones usually sported by the singer himself, whipped out their phones from the moment he appeared and started recording the show.
Phum performed songs like “Paper Throne”, “Trial and Error”, “The Art of Detaching One’s Heart” and more, all with fans singing and clapping along as he sang and played his guitar. In between songs, he would interact with his fans, talking and smiling to them while the fans either screamed in excitement or shouted back their replies to the singer.
His recent show in KL was the final stop in his Asia Tour 2019, which kicked off in April in Macau followed by shows in eight cities that included Singapore, Seoul and Tokyo, before before making his way to Indonesia and Malaysia this month.
(Photo source: Afeedah A. Shah’s Instagram)